GitStack 1.4 released

Wed, Apr 25, 2012
We are glad to announce the release of GitStack 1.4.

GitStack 1.4 runs on :
-Git 1.7.9 from msysgit
-Apache 2.2.22
-Python 2.7.2
-Django 1.4

New features:
-Active Directory / Ldap authentication -Read/Write permissions granularity
-Group management
-Logout button
-New theme gitweb
-Upgrade to Django 1.4

Bug fixes:
-Export project as zip from gitphp were corrupted
-Php_extension_dir was not correct after installation
-Hooks are now supported ( issue 56 )
-More explicit error message on user creation ( issue 54 )
-Chinese characters on Windows 7 restore point ( issue 42 )