Git remote clone failed on client, but succeed on server directly

I have setup GitStack on remote server. Now I want to clone the repository to local machine, but it failed

Server Environment:
Windows 7
Client Environment:
Windows 7

Step 1: If I run the clone command directly on the server, it works,
$Git clone http://robin@localhost:8082/TestGit.git
$ git clone

Step 2: If I run the same command on a client machine. The clone will fail with the following error message:
Cloning into ‘TestGit’… error: Failed connect to `;` No error while accessing      `http://robin@` fatal: HTTP request failed

My troubleshooting process:
1. As I mentioned above, I have run the same command on server directly, it works.
2. I have checked the TCP port 1080 and 8082. Both of them are enabled. Both Inbound and Outbound rules have been added to firewall
3. The server is accessible since I can browse the repository on client machine through browser.

I don’t know what’s the root cause. Could you give me some suggestion?
Tags: asked September 6, 2012

1 Answer

I have replied yesterday on your stack overflow post :
We will keep only the stack overflow thread.

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