User Group creation fails with an error “need more than 1 value to unpack”

Using version 2.3.5 of GitStack.   I tried adding multiple users to a newly created group.  Adding users failed.  Upon review of the groups that I had defined, they are now missing. Any attempts to create a new group receive the above error. Any suggestions? Thanks
asked December 6, 2013

4 Answers

Do you have users with special characters in their names?
Thanks for the reply. My user names do have uppercase characters... Is this considered a special character?  Otherwise, No.  No Special Characters in my set of user names.
The problem seems to have something to do when *multiple* users are added at one time.  After attempting to add multiple users the /GitStack/data/groupfile file becomes corrupted. I am able to add single users to groups successfully.
can I ask what's the solution for this issue? I also got this same error, now I can't create any user and group, and even can't display the group page correctly which should at least display the groups I created before but now there is nothing.

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