Import an existing repository

Wed, Mar 28, 2012
GitStack is compatible with any existing git repository. The auto import feature will help you to migrate existing repositories.

We will use as an example the ruby on rails source code for this tutorial. Skip step 1 if you already have a repository to import.

1. Clone the code from github anywhere on your computer

In the windows command line :
cd c:\Users\Administrator\test
git clone
A “rails” directory will be created in the current folder.

2. Copy the repository to GitStack

Copy the “rails” directory to C:\GitStack\repositories

copy repository to gitstack

3. Import the repository

GitStack will show your repository in the repository tab. You just need to click on the green button on the right to import your repository into GitStack. The import will convert your repository into a bare repository. Bare repositories are recommended when your repository is used by a server.
git import button
git import success
Congratulations. You have successfully imported a repository into GitStack.