Using HTTPS with Gitstack
I’m having some trouble in using Gitstack with a secured HTTPS connection, I tried a lot of different things and read a lot over the Internet but still I could not make it work. It looks like my certificate is not created properly.
I’m using Sourcetree as the Git client.
Here are my steps :
1. On Gitstack I change the security to “Accept https only”
2. In Sourcetree I create a public-private key using Putty, it generates a public .crt file and private .ppk file
3. I rename the files and put them on the Gitstack server in the C:\GitStack\data\certificates folder
4. I try the restart Gitstack service and I get an error “Windows could not start the service”. But if I put back the original certificate files, I can start the service.
I would be very thankful if someone can help me on this, I spent already a few days on this problem
Thank you !
Tags: asked October 29, 2015
1 Answer
Have you read on documentation about https ?
Would you be able to use a certificate which is not self signed?
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